Complete Features List of Our E-Delivery Admin Panel

Manage everything seamlessly and precisely with powerful admin panel

Admin Panel

Get complete business view with Admin Panel

Quick Login

Admins can swiftly access their accounts using their phone number and password, streamlining the login process to a single step within the panel.

Analytical Dashboard

An intuitive dashboard provides admins with comprehensive insights into business and sales metrics through visually appealing charts, numerical data, and statistics for easy comparison and understanding.

Order Details with Status

A detailed order list presents all orders along with their statuses and comprehensive information regarding delivery, delivery personnel, locations, and payments. Admins can export these order requests to Excel sheets for further analysis.

Table Booking Requests

A dedicated section displays table booking orders, allowing admins quick access to the list at any time.

Delivery Orders Lists

Admins have a separate list dedicated to delivery requests from customers, conveniently organized within the order lists section.

Dispatch Order

Admins can dispatch orders using either manual assignment or automatic assignment to the nearest available drivers, providing flexibility in managing deliveries.

Delivery Man Status

Admins can monitor the status of delivery personnel from the panel, facilitating efficient assignment of new deliveries based on availability.

Reassign Order upon Failure

In the event of canceled deliveries, admins can easily reassign them to delivery personnel using the same streamlined process.

Map View of Stores and Delivery Man

Interactive map views allow admins to locate active stores and track delivery personnel, providing insights into distances and availability using customizable filters.

Track Deliveryman on Map

Admins can monitor delivery personnel in real-time on the map view during their trips, utilizing filters to focus on specific criteria.

Earnings Analysis

Comprehensive earnings details are provided, including earnings from stores, individual orders, and delivery personnel. Admins can analyze invoice details and track earnings over time.

Wallet Management

Admins handle wallet requests from delivery personnel and stores, approving transactions and conducting earnings settlements within the platform. Wallet transactions and history are meticulously recorded for reference.

Store Menu and Courier Service Management

Admins have the capability to create and manage store menus and courier service settings, providing a seamless experience for customers.

Customer and Delivery Provider Management

Admins can analyze, approve, and block customers and delivery providers as needed, verifying documents and managing vehicle details for delivery personnel.

Manage Stores

Admins have full control over managing stores and their business operations, including document verification, permitting businesses on the platform, and other administrative tasks.

Add and Manage Sub Admin

Admins can delegate specific tasks by adding and managing sub-admins, granting them access to relevant features and functions within the platform.

Check Activity Log

An activity log records all actions across the platform, providing insights into successful and failed activities related to customers, stores, and delivery personnel, categorized by type and priority.

Define Delivery Areas

Admins can define delivery areas by drawing boundaries around cities and setting delivery radii to specify service areas.

Set Delivery Fees

Admins can configure delivery charges based on various factors such as distance calculation methods or base price methods, ensuring accurate pricing for customers.

Vehicle Management

Admins can add and manage vehicles for stores, including verification and assignment to delivery personnel.

Cash on Delivery (COD) Options

Admins can enable a "bring change" option for cash payments, allowing customers to request change during delivery.

Communication Permissions

Admins can control permissions for email, SMS, and push notifications, regulating access to communication channels.

Confirmation Codes

Admins can implement confirmation codes for pickup and delivery, enhancing security and verification processes.

Google Captcha Integration

Admins can utilize Google Captcha to enhance security for store, user, and delivery provider logins, reducing spam and unauthorized access.

Tipping Feature

Admins can enable tipping for delivery personnel, allowing users to tip either as a fixed amount or a percentage of the total bill.

Multilingual Support

Admins can configure multiple languages to accommodate users, delivery personnel, and stores, facilitating a more inclusive user experience.

Maximum Courier Delivery Stops

Admins can set limits on the number of delivery stops for courier services, optimizing delivery routes and efficiency.

App Configuration

Admins have access to app settings for technical configurations such as App URL, versions, certificates, and more, enabling seamless management and updates.

Review and Manage

Documents Admin gets to review all the documents from the stores, delivery man, and users verify and decide approval for action on the platform.

Examine Reviews

Here admin can analyze all the list reviews and ratings from customers and drivers about the orders and delivery services.

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