Complete List of Our E-Delivery’s Provider App Features

Solution includes a dedicated delivery provider app To complete the deliveries seamlessly

Provider App Features

App integrated with the features which are designed to streamline tasks, ensuring efficiency and speed in every operation.

User Registration

Allow providers to create accounts and register their services on the platform

Profile Management

Enable providers to manage their profiles, including adding photos, descriptions, and contact information.

Service Listing

Allow providers to list the services they offer for delivery .

Availability Settings

Enable providers to set their availability hours and days

Order Management

Allow providers to view and manage incoming delivery orders.

Real-time Order Notifications

Provide real-time notifications to providers when a new order is placed.

Order Acceptance

Allow providers to accept or reject incoming delivery requests.

GPS Tracking

Enable providers to track the location of delivery destinations using GPS.

Route Optimization

Provide route optimization suggestions to providers for efficient delivery.

Delivery Status Updates

Allow providers to update the status of delivery orders.

n-app Messaging

Enable communication between providers and customers through in-app messaging.

Payment Processing

Facilitate payment processing for completed deliveries.

Earnings Tracking

Provide detailed reports of earnings and transactions for providers.

Performance Analytics

Offer insights into delivery performance metrics, such as delivery times and customer ratings.

Customer Feedback Management

Allow providers to view and respond to customer feedback and ratings.

Schedule Management

Enable providers to manage their delivery schedules and availability.

Service Customization

Allow providers to customize delivery options, such as delivery speed or packaging preferences.

Inventory Management

Enable providers to manage their inventory and stock levels.

Integration with Navigation Apps

Allow providers to integrate with navigation apps for seamless route guidance.

QR Code Scanning

Enable providers to scan QR codes for order verification and tracking.

Loyalty Programs

Offer loyalty programs to incentivize providers to continue using the platform.

Multi-language Support

Provide support for multiple languages to cater to a diverse provider base.

Discount and Promotion Management

Enable providers to offer discounts and promotions on their services.

Customer History Access

Allow providers to access past delivery history with specific customers.

Document Verification

Enable providers to upload and verify necessary documents.

Support Ticket System.

Provide a support ticket system for providers to report issues or seek assistance.

Automated Reminders

Send automated reminders to providers for upcoming deliveries or tasks.

Performance Incentives

Offer incentives or bonuses to providers based on performance metrics.

API Integration

Allow providers to integrate with third-party services or systems through APIs for additional functionality or automation.

Flexible Payment Settlement

Drivers can select from their added bank accounts to receive payment settlements through their wallet, offering flexibility and convenience.

Want To Build A Delivery App?